Thursday, June 17, 2010

I think, therefore I am


The difference between man and beast is that man is aware of his own existence. We realise that there is something behind our closed eyes, a line in the sand that seperates "me" from the world. When we look in the mirror, we know its us looking back. This is just one more blog in a sea of blogs, of waves and words and thoughts, but in spite of all the millions of people pouring their hearts out there, thats what it will always be: out there.

Of course the lines are blurred sometimes, originality these days is usually borrowed from someone else. People are shaped more from the outside than in. You should write your own story, rather than just play a part in someone else's.

Is this going to be a total flop of a blog? Yeesh, maybe. Maybe I'm going to look back later and cringe at what I wrote here, a bit like what I do when I look at some of my earlier e-mails and things. The thought kind of worries me because frankly, I'm kind of awesome. I just have a slight problem conveying it to everyone else, including future me.

In any case, this is my line in the sand.

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